
DIY a simple Leather Belt for your knitted cardigans

Leather Belt, 90 cm


  • Various scraps of black leather
  • Trouser waistband
  • Beads or pearls
  • Nylon thread
  • Polyester thread
  • 1 Magnetic closure


Select a few leather scraps.

Meassure your waist line and arrange the leather scraps.

Cut smooth edges with a leather cutter or a stanley knife.

Connect two leather scraps with a zigzag seam. Use a nylon thread.  Check if your sewing machine sews the leather well. (If not change the thread tension and sew very slowly).
Then connect all leather pieces until you have one long strip.

Place the trouser waistband on reverse side of belt.

 Sew it on. Then cut the leather along the waistband on both sides.

Sew on a bead or pearl on each zigzag connection. Use a polyester thread.

Now fix the magnetic button --> foto  Fold the ends to the back and sew them on.

Simple belt for wool cardigans. The magnetic closure is good for airport securities --> you can take off and on the belt very quickly.

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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