
Coin purse pendant for your bag

Coin Purse, 5 x 5,5 cm


Various ribbons, 18 cm long
Fabric (cotton or other), 6 x 18 cm
Fabric for lining, 6 x 18 cm
Small pressure button
Chain, 6 - 8 cm
Hook or carabiner
Polyester thread


Sew the ribbons on the fabric piece --> foto.

Iron the finished ribbon work and cut one edge around. Cut also the lining material --> foto.

Pin the two layers together on wrong side, sew them, leave the piece on one side for a few cm open. Then turn it. Iron it carefully and fold one edge to the middle --> foto. Sew the sides together by hand and sew on a small pressure button.

Insert an eyelet on one side of the coin purse and attach a chain with a hook or carabiner.

I made a few for different handbags

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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