
Shades of Yellow - Home accessories - part 4 - Moth control with lavender bags

For one lavender bag you need:

  • Cotton fabric or mixture, 30 x 20 cm (finished size:  14 x 15 cm)
  • Small lace for the upper seam
  • 2 eyelets
  • 2 ribbons app. 80 cm
  • 2 pearls/beads
  • Safety pin - very small
  • Smal piece of interfacing material
  • Embroidery floss
  • Tracing paper
  • Lavender

Design some sayings or proverbs, make the layout in a word file - I used  "Lucinda Handwriting", size 22.
Copy one of these sentences, put a tracing paper on the fabric (arrange the writing so that it will appear on the front side and about 6 -7 cm from the lower edge) and trace it with a pen or pencil.

Make the embroidery of the writing with one strand of embroidery floss. After having been finished the embroidery fold the fabric, make a french seam (pin it on the right side, don´t forget to leave the upper side open!)

Sew it with small stitches.

Cut the allowance in 2 mm distance of the stitching line.

Iron it properly and turn it to the left side.

Iron it again and make another stiching line by machine about 3 - 4 mm from the edge.

Turn it another time and iron it well.

Mark the position of the eyelet and iron a little piece of interfacing material on the inner side of the lavender bag - as you can see on the photo and insert the eyelet by an eyelet maching or eyelet tongue. (See also my instruction http://craftrebella.blogspot.co.at/2014/03/sewing-tutorial-for-easter-back-bag.html )

Fold the upper edge twice and make a nice seam with your sewing machine and iron it after sewing.

Sew a small lace on the right side of the lavender bag around the upper seam. Be careful when you pass the eyelet, I recommend you using the zipper foot.

At last insert the ribbon with a small safety pin.

If you desire put a pearl or bead at the end of the ribbons, then fill the bag it with lavender. (I always put the lavender into tissue paper before I put it into the bag).

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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