
Use a brocken bracelet for your new choker

diy old bracelet new choker craftrebella

Velvet Choker, 28 cm (with chain 39 cm)


  • Velvet ribbon, 2 cm wide, 30 cm long
  • Small piece of matching leather
  • 2 Metal rings
  • 1 Carabiner hook
  • Piece of chain
  • Polyester thread
  • Old bracelet


Prepare the leather piece, cut one stripe, about 1 x 10 cm.

prepare leather for metal rings for new choker craftrebella

Pull leather through metal ring, fix it with your sewing machine (zipper foot), use polyester thread. Do same with other metal ring.

pull leather through metall rings and sew for new choker craftrebella

Now you have the finished metal rings with leather.

2 metal rings with leather for new choker craftrebella

Iron velvet ribbon, then make zigzag seam on each end - prevents fraying. Fold back 1 cm on each side and sew it. Now sew on the leather pieces on back siede of velvet ribbon, one on each side.

sew on leather on velvet ribbon for new choker craftrebella

Prepare the old bracelet, repair it, if necessary, take off the closing hook.
Sew on the bracelet by hand on upper side ov velvet ribbon.

sew on old bracelet on velvet ribbon for new choker craftrebella

Finally attach chain and carabiner hook --> foto. Enjoy your new choker !

DIY new choker with old bracelet craftrebella

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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