
Fleece Bathrobe - Last minute Christmas present - size S - L

 Fleece Bathrobe, size S-L


  • 2,75 m fleece, 140 cm wide
  • Interfacing, 20 x 125 cm
  • Lining for pockets, 20 x 20 cm 
  • 2 m small lace or ribbon
  • Polyester thread


Prepare the pattern:

The fabric should be folded on lengthside. Then pin the pattern on the fabric, cut out the pieces.
Add 3 cm seam allowance on lower edge of back and front part, 6 cm seam allowance on lower edge of sleeves and upper edge of pockets. (the dotted lines are the special seam allowances).

The other seam allowances should be about 1 cm.

Prepare front parts and back part.

Pin the shouders of front and back part and sew them.

Now pin the added trim at the end (neck) and sew it.

Iron on interfacing on the trim, sew also the end (neck). Iron it and pin the whole piece on the front parts and sew all.

Iron the sesam allowance to the trim

and sew it.

Then fold back 1 cm of the loose side of the trim and pin it to the front part.

It is easier if you fix all with large stitches before sewing.

You can sew more exactly.

Mark the middle of the sleeve and pin this to the shoulder of your bathrobe. Then pin the rest of the sleeve and sew it. Do same with other sleeve.

Fold the seam allowance to the sleeve and make a nice seam from write side.

Then make the length of the bathrobe: fold about 3 cm, pin it, fix it with large stitches by hand, then sew it -  I used a small lace to cover the edge.

Now prepare the pockets. Iron on a 6 cm wide piece of interfacing on the upper edge. Then pin the lining --> foto and sew it.

Iron the lining --> foto.

Make a seam on the lining, about 2 mm away of the fold.

Trim the pockets with an overlock machine or a zigzag stitch and fold back the seam allowance. Both pockts should have the same size.

Prepare the belt loops: for each cut out 3 x 10 cm, iron on interfacing (prevents stretching), fold it, sew it.
Pin the pockets on your bathrobe - but try on your bathrobe and pin the pockets in front of a mirror - so you can see if they are on the right place. Do the same with the belt loops. (I start with the belt loop between 14 and 15 cm down from armpit)-

Prepare the belt fold it and pin it --> foto.

Sew it, but leave about 10 open in the middle for turning it. You can close this slit with an invisible nylon thread if you have or by hand with small stitches.

Finally sew on the hanger loop and ebventually your label.
(I made the hanger loop from a leftover piece of the pocket lining. Therefore fold a 3 cm stripe and sew it, iron it).

Enjoy your bathrobe or use it as an evening coat over your dress or as a blanket while watching TV,...
Take it with you when you travel, because it weighs only 250 g.

The design and instruction are only for private use.

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